Saturday, July 28, 2012


Haha this month has been party after party after party xDD Follow me on Twitter (@ZeeAQW) and check to see when a party on AQW is about to happen! 

Partying with Tenzan and friends from Twitter!
 A Wild Shishy appeared!!
 It's Sephira and Practel! (ED mod) 
 Farming/Partying With Solrac >:O ROCKIN
 Party Lag madness With Shishy and Laoch!!
With Tenzan party party party >:D!

And @CadenJC

EVERYDAY IM PARTYING! └[∵┌]└[ ∵ ]┘[┐∵]┘

Rev's Key

Hey everyone!! I wanted to post Revontheus' Key Blade! Check it out!

Me Gusta ಠ_ಠ 



Friday, July 27, 2012

Dage's new war items!

I have to say Dage has made an epic CC wolf like Legion armor! Along with a few nice looking weapons.
To the left are a few legion weapons. With the gray/black color scheme (usual Dage colors)

The Weapons to the right are to be released TODAY! In my opinion the middle one is the best.

Follow me on Twitter @ZeeAQW

Also FOLLOW @Mack1246 THANKS!!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Revontheus war Armors

Rev you have done it again!! Hello everyone! Check out Revontheus' new armors. 

The armor is CC amazing huh?

The wings are also CC :D
Female Version ---->

Also guys remember follow me on Twitter @ZeeAQW I will follow back!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Meeting the AE team

                 Well last Friday I met the AE team except Beleen :/ 

There's Artix, Cysero, Alina, Shish, Lothalis, The flames are Sparhawk and Tenzan (all mentioned are mods) 

Artix, Alina, Cysero, Yorumi, (flame) CaptinRuhbarb, Sparhawk


Late/New release

Sorry guy's I've been busy, but here are some of the new things release if you haven't seen them x_x 
Two new monsters!!

Two New NPCS added to the war!!

DilligasThe Stranger
More will be added later

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Infernal Fiend

You guys might have already seen this, but I just have to post it!! This armor is just amazing great job Nulgath!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Revontheus story.

Mortality of Revontheus
Hey guys some of may know this, but before he became Revontheus he was known as Ganloth!

Here is Revontheus story :
 Backstory: Revontheus, before becoming immortal was once known as Ganloth, the Enslaver of Dragons. Ganloth was known for his skills and determination in enslaving dragons, living and dead, both body and soul. Ganloth's skill grew rapidly throughout lore including the depths of the dark abyss. Eventually, the Archfiend  himself, favoured Ganloth's power and so, he offered the hearty determined warlord the gift of power and immortality... and thus, within the heart of the abyss, spawned the new apprentice of ...Revontheus! (o.\)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

War Story End

The battlefield starts to clear; dust begins to settle. Skulls of the legion lay on the tan crystal like sand. In places the sand is stained with the scarlet colored blood of Fiends. Many have died in the battle. There is a faint glow in the distance it is the Oblivion Gateway. Across the gateway there is a figure standing there. It has broad shoulders,and a blue indistinct glow that spills from his eyes. Staring directly at the gateway he staggers closer and closer until he's steps away from it. A thundering grin appears on his quintessence spirit looking face. He grouses " Finally the underworld will be under my control". Suddenly..........  To be continued by you!

That's right you guys choose the fate of the underworld and you will rule it!

War Items O_O

 Hey guys's it's been a while since my last post, but I think this will make up for it! It seems like Nulgath and Revontheus have been busy.

Here are some other items Dage made IMO I hate them :3

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sage Void

Revontheus is starting to win me over with his new epic items!! Check them out! Yep I'm not sure if they will be released next week though :/.
Sage Void of Revontheus

Zenith Fiend?

Ey! It appears that Xaayer the faith follower of Nulgath might get a couple of his items in the war :o!
Follow Xaayer on Twitter! Here
Thanks  Qwaszxd AQW  For letting me know about this
Check them out! 

Dage Vs. Nulgath

     Hey Guys check out Nulgath's sick Cutscene!!!

Dage Vs Nulgath an awesome cutscene. Great Job Nulgath #NulgathNation

Also Follow @ArtyAE :P!

Wanna Help?

Hey guys check out the new page if you're interested in helping ;D!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nulgath's side!

Nulgath Revontheus has made new items for the War! They are truly epic. Of course they are epic, Rev's art and skills have improved tenfold. I especially like the Void of Revontheus.


Yo everyone!  Today im going to tell you about someone that make EPIC AQWmv's! Yeaa it's Tvi. She's helped me get more followers so I decided to help her get more views on youtube!
 Awesome right? SHOW IT! Follow her on Twitter! Here! Or add her on Facebook! Also Here's her Youtube Channel subscribe? :3 TviAQWorlds!

Blademaster 3012 Vs. NeoFiend

 Hey guys there's a lot of dispute between which are is the best futuristic armor!! It's pretty hard to decide, but like dage mentioned

Future Blademaster

Thanks Dage for the pic Via Twitpic
The Blademaster 3012! Check out Dage's new future Blademaster! Could this possibly mean that the Legion is losing the war in the future and this Blademaster was sent to help the legion? 

The color scheme is a huge change from what Dage usually uses (black gray), but the teal silver look still looks amazing!

Pink Update

If you don't know what Pink Madness is please click here. It seems like another server (Galanoth) has fallen victim to PINK MADNESS thanks to Tvi of course! It seems like the madness is spreading quickly! What Server's next??? Ask Tvi!! Tvi's Pink Madness Group! 
Tvi's Definition of Pink Madness[pingk mad-nis: Fat Hamsters!  

Future Fiend

Thanks Revonthesus for the pic via Twitpic!
NeoFiend of Revontheus: According to Revontheus this amazing creature (armor) was sent from the future to destroy legionnaires. most likley, because in the future legionnaires rule... could be a possibility haha. Still I support the Legion, and I think this set is amazing! Great job Revon keep up the good work.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A true Spartan

Who is Spartanhelghast? 
He's a moderator for AQW, and an epic one at that! He fights for Nulgath and opposes the legion. He's extremely kind. It's moderator like him that keep AQW running smooth next time you see him in-game thank him for his dedication towards the game. I like many of other players appreciate these players that take their time to help us out, so thanks again Spartan


Pink Madness? Yea it's hit AQW thanks to Tvi! Who caused the madness and I must say it is CONTAGIOUS! It seems like Beleen has got to Tvi just like Drakath does to his Chaos Lords. 

Pink Madness [pingk mad-nis]: An apocalypse where half the players ina server become PINK! 
Orgin: 2012- ;  origin AQW by Tvi

BEWARE Pink Madness is coming to a Server near you! (Or where ever Tvi goes)

More items...

Thanks Dage for the pic Via Twitter
Here's an Update of the new War Items Dage is coming up with!

Interviewing Tenzan

Hey guys! Well, I asked Tenzan a great mod if I could interview him! He kindly accepted, so I interviewed him about the war, new items, what if Drakath came, and much more! Let me tell you this these next couple of weeks are going to be AWESOME!! Although I didn't get a sneak peak of Revontheus' Void Armor I can tell you there will be loads of epic items coming from Nulgath's part. Sadly I had to leave and we stopped the interview perhaps (if it's ok with Tenzan) I'll interview him after the war or during part 2 of the war! Also after I left (stopped the video) I capped "TEAM DAGE" and left his house! Haha don't think he was to happy about that!  Also the cape Tenzan has is a nice cape made by Revontheus

NOTE: I forgot to turn the Quality to high on AQW because server lag x_x,so if you can not see the video please click the FULL SCREEN button on the bottom right of the video it helps on SOME computers! Sorry about the quality guys :/ 

Follow me on Twitter for more AQW info!
                                        ~ Zee The Legend

Dage's New War Items!

Thanks Dage for the pic via TwitPic
Dage has done it yet again!!! His new epic items are amazing. I for one look forward to getting these! 

Not to mention they're CC

UPDATE: The Katana's will be a back item as well!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Party Crasher!!!!!

As one of Dage's followers I had to do this!! 

Revontheus: Epic Oversoul artist! Sadly he's Nulgath's apprentice!

Tenzan: He Moderate the game nice guy! 

Laken: AWEOSME player he's  huge J6 fan and is skilled with 3D and pencil drawings! 
TenZan with the "Void of Revontheus"  (Thanks Revon for letting me know)!

KingKlunk: Don't be fooled he is a true oger but is in disguise as an AQW noob!  

Note: Click on the photo's to zoom in