Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Xaayer Nulgath's faithful minion
Hey there guys, so there's this amazing animation made by Xaayer_The_Grey (feel free to follow him), and I just want you guys to see it as well! Click this link -----> Nulgaths Plan? <------  Also check out more of his artwork here!  I 100% guarantee you'll like  it! 
                   Leave a comment about the animation below!
UPDATE: It seems like Xaayer got an offer to join the legion by Rogath!!! 


  1. Nulgath may be putting Xaayer's Zenith of Nulgath armor and items in game so I do not think that he will be switching sides soon. Here is the link to where Nulgath says it http://twitpic.com/a1my2c

    1. Thanks for the info I'll make a post and give ya credit!
